Hotel Isolation in Kathmandu

  • Sudip Bhatta
  • 1658

Table of Contents

To limit the transmission of COVID-19, it is recommended that Hotel Trekkers' Home adopt the following.


Things to Know before you come:

  • Guests are required to wear surgical mask prior to transport to the hotel. Guests are directed to wear this mask during transport to the hotel, throughout the check-in process and until they enter their room. Small children who cannot tolerate the mask are exempt.
  • Ensure guests in queue lines at check-in are separated by a distance of at least 1.5 metres.
  • Provide signage that outlines physical distancing, hand hygiene and sneeze/cough etiquette.
  • Provide hand sanitiser at the entrance to the hotel, reception area and area for guest use.
  • Provide pens for guests to keep following signing required documents.
  • Use cashless financial transactions and allow guest to transfer amount via online banking if required.
  • Its is very important to pay 7 days downpayment via at the checkin time.
  • It is important to remind guests to minimise surfaces and objects they touch on the way through the hotel on arrival and departure.
  • Remind guests not to have physical contact with other guests who are not in their immediate travel party or to handle other guests’ luggage or belongings.

How we work:

  • Staff are always to maintain a social distance from all guests and colleagues.
  • Staff are to minimise touching of surfaces throughout the hotel and to perform hand hygiene regularly throughout the day.
  • Staff should not share equipment such as telephones, bank card readers, pens or other items without cleaning and disinfecting the items with an appropriate detergent/disinfectant wipe or solution between users.
  • Hotels Thrkkers' Home segregate (separate floors) guests in isolation from other guests in the hotel
  • Be kind and non-discriminatory.

Why Isolation and How to be Safe? 

People who have tested positive to COVID-19 must isolate until no longer infectious. Not all people who have tested positive require hospitalization, but they must remain in isolation until they are cleared by Nepal Public Health to prevent further transmission of the disease.

  • People in isolation must stay in their designated room and follow these guidelines to protect themselves and others even if they are feeling well.
  • Perform hand hygiene for at least 20 seconds with either soap and water or alcohol- based sanitizers at regular intervals, after using the bathroom, before and after eating food or after touching frequently touched surfaces.
  • Use their inner elbow to cough or sneeze into or use a tissue that is then disposed of immediately and perform hand hygiene.
  • Are not leave their room at any time, except if escorted to seek medical advice or in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  • Are not permitted to have visitors.
  • Must not go out for meals in a dining area or attend communal areas of the hotel at any time.
  • Any deliveries to the guest room are to be left outside the door to be collected by the guest once the staff member has left the area.
  • Use of personal protective equipment by hotel staff
  • Hotel staff are to have access to surgical masks, disposable gloves and gowns or aprons.
  • When distances greater than 1.5 meter can be maintained, PPE is not required.
  • A mask is to be worn if the 1.5 meter distancing cannot be maintained, gloves are to be worn for any contact with the guest’s luggage, personal belongings or items for collection from the guest room e.g. linen or waste bags. A gown or apron is only required if close physical contact cannot be avoided (refer to security staff).
  • When staff are required to wear masks, they should not touch the front of the mask. Masks are not to sit around the neck or on top of the head.
  • Staff should avoid touching unnecessary objects while wearing gloves e.g. do not answer the telephone or use a computer with gloves on. Always remove gloves and perform hand hygiene prior to performing new tasks.
  • Gloves are not to be sanitized using hand sanitizer or surface cleaner. In the event that gloves may have been contaminated, the gloves are to be removed and disposed of in a bin, and hand hygiene is to be performed. New gloves can then be put on.
  • Masks and gloves are to be removed for meal or toilet breaks and disposed of into general waste bins and hand hygiene performed. New gloves and/or mask are to be worn at the commencement of any new task when required.
  • Check-in of a person requiring isolation
  • On arrival and check-in at the hotel, all efforts are to be taken to expedite a fast-tracked check-in. The guests are to be kept segregated from all other guests. A distance of 1 meter between the guest, hotel staff and all other people should be maintained throughout the check-in process. Hotel Staff should will provide check-in form at room and Guest are required to fill the form after checkin in room and Requested to send ID card on contact details.
  • Guests should be encouraged to manage their luggage. Hotel staff can assist if the guest is not able to manage their luggage. Staff are required to perform hand hygiene and put on a pair of gloves before handling luggage or the luggage . The luggage can then be transported by hotel staff and left outside the guest room.
  • It is important to clean and disinfect all potentially touched surfaces and objects along the guests’ route from check-in to their room, such as door handles, buttons, surfaces, and other handrails immediately after the guests have passed through.

Meals and other deliveries

All meals and other items required by the guest are to be delivered to the guest and left outside the door. Any used crockery or cutlery (if provided at the hotel) are to be left outside the door by the guest for collection by hotel staff at a mutually agreeable time. Crockery and cutlery are to be handled according to the normal protocols (e.g. washed in a dishwasher). Staff wear gloves when handling used menus, crockery and cutlery and are to perform hand hygiene after handling any items.


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